
Having a long history of weaving on the back strap loom, the Wixárika are expert weavers who are renowned for their beautiful weaving ('itsari) of belts (huayamete) and bags (kutsurite). For most of history, ixtle and cotton fibers were used, but the introduction of sheep and wool by the Spaniards was rapidly accepted by the sixteenth century. The Wixaritari have historically incorporated native plant and mineral dyes to color the wool in blue, red and yellow tones.

Today, with sheep less prevalent and the use of wool in great decline, less sturdy but brightly colored acrylic yarns are taking their place. Few women hold the knowledge of the natural dyes once commonly used by the Wixárika in the elaboration of their textiles and many Wixaritari lament the fact that they have great difficulty in acquiring a wool bag or belt for their own personal use.

The examples of bags and belts chosen for this web page are 40 or more years old. The wool was harvested from sheep in Wixarika territory and hand spun. Some of the samples incorporate the natural dyes and represent an art form quickly being lost, as the elders who have been the keepers of this knowledge die. However, recent efforts have been made to revitalize traditional techniques and patterns, particularly that of the back strap loom.